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Licensed Financial Institutions

FSA Fee Schedule


Below is the comprehensive list of applicable fees that are due for various categories of business

Applicable Fees

Business Companies (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Registration $125.00
Annual Fee $100.00
Any Other Application $50.00

Trust (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Registration $300.00
Annual Fee $150.00
Any Other Application $50.00

International Banks (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Application Fee $1,000.00
Licence Fee - Class A $10,000.00
Licence Fee - Class B $10,000.00
Annual Fee - Class A $10,000.00
Annual Fee - Class B $5,000.00
Conversion Fee $1,000.00
Any Other Application $50.00
Due Diligence COST + $50

International Insurance Companies (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Application Fee $500.00
Annual Fee - Classes I, II, III $3,000.00
Annual Fee - Classes IV & V $2,000.00
Annual Fee For Agent/Broker/Manager $500.00
Any Other Application $50.00
Due Diligence COST + $50

Registered Agents (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Application Fee $500.00
Annual Licence Fee $1,200.00
Any Other Application $50.00
Due Diligence COST + $50

Mutual Funds (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Application Fee (All Entries) $500.00
Licence Fee - All Funds $600.00
Licence Fee - Manager or Administrator $500.00
Licence Fee - Manager and Administrator $1,000.00
Licence Fee - Recognised Manager $500.00
Annual Fee - All Funds $600.00
Annual Fee - Manager or Administrator $500.00
Annual Fee - Manager and Administrator $1,000.00
Annual Fee - Recognised Manager $500.00
Any Other Application $50.00
Due Diligence COST + $50

Limited Liability Companies – Effective June 9, 2010

Single LLC (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Registration of a new LLC $125.00
Registration of an LLC from another jurisdiction $50.00
Annual Fee $100.00
Issuing a certificate of dissolution or discontinuance $250.00
Any other Application or filing $50.00

Series LLC (USD)

Fee Type Amount
Registration of a new LLC $500.00
Continuation of an LLC from another jurisdiction $125.00
Annual (fixed element) $300.00
Variable Annual Fee per series (Subject to a maximum of $10,000) $250.00
Issuing a certificate of dissolution or discontinuance $500.00
Any other Application or filing $50.00

Credit Unions (XCD)

Asset Size Registration Renewal Fee
$10,000,000 and less $2,000.00
$10,000,001 – $20,000,000 $2,500.00
$20,000,001 – $50,000,000 $5,000.00
$50,000,001 – $75,000,000 $7,500.00
$75,000,001 – $125,000,000 $10,000.00
Over $125,000,000 $12,500.00

Friendly Societies (XCD)

Fee Type Amount
Registration Fee $300.00
Annual Renewal Fee $300.00

Insurance Application, Annual License and Other Fees (XCD)

Fee Type Long-Term Insurance Business General Insurance Business Long-Term & General Insurance Business
Application Fee $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Annual License Fee $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Inspection of Document Fee $50 $50 $50

Insurance Intermediaries Application, Annual License and Other Fees (XCD)

Category of Intermediary Application Fee Annual License Fee Reinstatement Fee Inspection of Document Fee
Insurance Brokers $1,500 $1,000 $1,500 $50
Insurance Agents $1,500 $750 $1,500 $50
Insurance Adjuster $1,500 $750 $1,500 $50
Sales Representatives $100 $100 $1,500 $50

Pension Fund Plan Registration and Amendment Fees (XCD)

Fee Type Amount
Registration of a Pension Fund Plan $1,000
Registration of an amendment/change of a Pension Fund Plan $100

Money Services Business

Class of License (XCD)

Class Application Fee (Main Agent) Application Fee (Sub-Agent) Annual Fee (Main Agent) Annual Fee (Sub-Agent)
Class A $3,000 $300 $15,000 $3,000
Class B $3,000 $300 $7,500 $1,500
Class C $3,000 $300 $12,000 $2,400
Class D $3,000 $300 $10,000 $2,000
Class E $3,000 $300 $10,000 $2,000
Class F $3,000 $300 $20,000 $4,000

Class of License - Statutory Deposit Payable (XCD)

Class Statutory Deposit Payable
Class A $100,000 payable in cash, government securities, or any other form approved by the Minister.
Class B $10,000 payable at the application stage and thereafter $10,000 payable in cash by July 1st annually for the next three-year period.
Class C $10,000 payable at the application stage and thereafter $10,000 payable in cash by July 1st annually for the next three-year period.
Class D $100,000 payable in cash, government securities, or any other form approved by the Minister.
Class E $100,000 payable in cash, government securities, or any other form approved by the Minister.
Class F $200,000 payable in cash, government securities, or any other form approved by the Minister.

Fee Schedule (XCD): Virtual Asset Businesses

Virtual Asset Businesses
Application Fee $4000.00
Registration Fee $12000.00
Renewal Fee $12000.00

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