International Financial Services

Registered Agents

An individual or a domestic company may apply for a Registered Agent and Trustee Licence at the Financial Services Authority (FSA). If the intended applicant is a company, the must company must first be incorporated as a domestic company at the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Commerce and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), proof of the incorporation must be submitted along with the application to the FSA.

A registered agent must have a physical presence in SVG, at present we do not facilitate electronic transactions, all transactions must occur at the office of the Financial Services Authority. Registered Agents licensed in SVG are required to pay income taxes in SVG.

A Registered agent may incorporate entities such as BCs, LLCs, Mutual Funds etc. The cost of these products can be found at Foundations are not presently being licensed in St. Vincent.

Please see the following Links for the documents which are required to be filed when making the application for a Registered Agent and Trustee license:

  1. The Application form

  1. The Personal Questionnaire (PQ) to be filled out by the Director

Please note that there are several attachments noted in the Application, PQ Forms which are required to be filed, when making the application.

 The Application, PQ Forms and attachments must be filed in duplicate.

If the company intends to operate as a financial fiduciary please see the following link for the additional disclosures for a financial fiduciary;


The application fee is US$500.00

Please note that once a complete application is received (all relevant documents are filed and the application fee is paid) the processing time for the application is 3 to 4 weeks.

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Have you officially filed a complaint with the regulated entity?
If yes, please state date
Has the regulated entity given you its final position in writing regarding your complaint?
Has there been any court/tribunal/arbitration proceedings related to this complaint?
Provide the name (s) of the officer (s) you contacted at the regulated entity
(Please provide full details of complaint below)
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