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Entity Name Search

St. Vincent & The Grenadines Company Name Search

Entity Name Search

How To Use This Page:

You may enter any information from any column to search for a specific entity (i.e. company name, registration number, business type or registered agent).

You can also sort any column based on preferences.

For any additional information or enquiries, you can visit our Contact page.

ADEL INTERNATIONAL AG17940BC-Business CompanyCancelled7/30/2008Agent Resigned
ALLIANZ MCC UTILITY INC.23903BC-Business CompanyCancelled3/15/2017Agent Resigned
ANAPOIMA CAPITAL INC.15659BC-Business CompanyCancelled10/2/2007Agent Resigned
APEX SHIPPING AND LOGISTICS LTD.23286BC-Business CompanyCancelled3/9/2016Agent Resigned
ARIWA INVESTMENTS INC.23245BC-Business CompanyCancelled2/25/2016Agent Resigned
ARUM PRODUCTS LTD.13033BC-Business CompanyCancelled12/16/2005Agent Resigned
ATLAS SHIP INVESTMENT INC.19386BC-Business CompanyCancelled4/15/2011Agent Resigned
AUSTRUM INVESTMENT INC.17992BC-Business CompanyCancelled9/1/2009Agent Resigned
BALTEX SHIPPING LIMITED22392BC-Business CompanyCancelled11/7/2014Agent Resigned
BILAL GENERAL TRANSPORT LTD.22785BC-Business CompanyCancelled6/26/2015Agent Resigned

If You Need Help Or Have Question, Contact Us

Our knowledgeable staff is available to answer any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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Submit Your Complaint Below

We Value Your Input

Have you officially filed a complaint with the regulated entity?
If yes, please state date
Has the regulated entity given you its final position in writing regarding your complaint?
Has there been any court/tribunal/arbitration proceedings related to this complaint?
Provide the name (s) of the officer (s) you contacted at the regulated entity
(Please provide full details of complaint below)

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