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Risk-Based Supervision

1 min read

The FSA, in 2015 took the decision to adopt a formalized Risk Based Supervision (RBS) frameworkin keeping with best international practice for regulators. The Financial Services Authority St Vincent & the Grenadines continues to benefit from training delivered by CARTAC to enhance its application of RBS principles and in revising its RBS framework

The desired outcome of the application of a risk-based approach to supervision is to operate at an optimum level. This entails a sufficiently deep understanding of institutions and industries to identify material changes and assess the probable impact on their risk profiles for timely interventions. The key benefits include systemic, forward-looking assessment within a formalized framework, allowance for early identification and intervention leading to a reduction in resolution costs, encouraging strong risk management practices and devotion of supervisory attention on a proportionate basis, in line with the risk profiles of the institutions and their systemic importance.

The application of RBS will ultimately result in the departure from the practice of conducting annual full-scope onsite inspections and use of the FSA’s limited resources wisely in directing efforts where the greater risks lie and conducting more focused visits, as necessary.

The FSA will further seek to promote a more cohesive consolidated supervisory approach by enhancing its data compilation and analysis of the regulated financial institutions and seeking collaboration with other regional regulators in the regulation of cross-border institutions. This would allow regulators to share information, identify emerging risks and advise the authorities on the identification of firms whose failure could pose a threat to financial stability due to their systemic importance based on a combination of size, complexity, substitutability and interconnectedness.

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